Australian Institute of Credit Management – 2017 Credit Symposium for Credit Managers

credit management
The Problem
Credit Professionals are required to remain informed and updated regarding legislative changes, developments in the law and changes to the financial arrangements, which can ultimately improve cash flow and mitigate the risk of not being paid.
Recognising problems and opportunities and efficiently utilising legal and commercial solutions will provide assistance to meet your KPI’s.
How do you ensure you are up to date with developments and the strategies they affect or create?
AICM’s Solution

This annual Symposium is a key part of AICM’s activities to help you address this problem by providing a summary of key changes including

– Insolvency law reforms
– Unfair contract terms and your T+C’s
– Financial solutions enabling you to be paid by your customer sooner (and more)
– Defending unfair preferences claims
– Removing an appointee of an insolvent company

We have gathered a team of experienced advisors to guide you through these changes and to provide some practical solutions.
The Symposium will help to provide assurance to credit professionals that you are up to date and prepared for the changes affecting the work place on a daily basis.
Following the presentations, we will conclude the afternoon by joining fellow professionals for After – Symposium networking including drinks and canapés.
Mark Harley   Partner, Boss Lawyers     Mark helps businesses protect their commercial interests by advising on  and enforcing contracts —  through both preventive measures and, when  necessary, litigation.  Mark has practiced in commercial law, commercial  litigation and insolvency law for almost 10 years.  He established the firm in  2014.    With degrees in law and information technology, as well as being a director of several companies, Mark  speaks the language of business owners and has a first hand understanding of the issues facing his  clients.His experience extends to assisting businesses be paid for goods and services rendered in a range of  industries, disputes about the provision of credit and personal guarantees, together with many other  disputes arising out of the building & construction industry.    Mark’s experience as a litigator helps him anticipate potentially troublesome situations that can arise in  all types of disputes.

Credit Symposium AICM