Terms & Conditions – Personal Guarantees

The following is part 1 of a 6 part series on credit applications and the terms and conditions that accompany them. The purpose of these blogs is to enlighten you as to the various pitfalls of terms and conditions documents

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Investigating proof of debts and going behind court judgments

When can a liquidator (or trustee in bankruptcy) reject a proof of debt? In dealing with distressed companies and estates, liquidators and trustees are faced with competing claims and a limited number of assets in which to meet those competing claims. The situation is further complicated by the increasing costs involved in administering the estate…

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Boss Lawyers | BCIPA Reforms announced by QBCC Commissioner

BCIPA reforms are on the agenda
The Queensland government has approved wide-ranging reforms to the Building and Construction Industry Payments Act 2004 (Qld) (BCIPA).

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